
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break

Coffee Break It is important to have a coffee break between a company and a high-level meeting.

Tea break is defined as the inter-rest and atmosphere adjustment and set up a simple tea party, usually tea break preparation includes snacks requirements, drinks requirements (see table below) , Decorations requirements, service and tea break opening time requirements, etc., generally different times can be replaced with different drinks, snacks combination.

Chinese drinks include mineral water, water, green tea, tea, tea, tea, fruit tea, canned drinks, trace alcoholic beverages, snacks are generally all kinds of cakes, biscuits, bagged foods, seasonal.. Fruit, fancy fruit plate and so on.

Western-style coffee break drinks include various types of coffee, mineral water, low-alcoholic beverages, canned drinks, black tea, fruit tea, milk, fruit juice, etc., dessert cake, all kinds of desserts, pastries. , Fruit, fancy fruit, and some Chinese pastries.

2016 Coffee Break Menu VIP2

冷盘类 Cold cut plate

烟熏三文鱼法棍小点Smoked salmon

迷你美式汉堡Mini American Burger

德式火腿蔬菜卷Ham and vegetable roll

黑胡椒风味土豆泥Black pepper potato

墨西哥鸡肉卷  Chicken taco 

蛋黄鸭胸肉配海藻丝 Breast of duck egg yolk with kelp silk

甜品类 Dessert

意大利香浓芝士蛋糕  New York cheese cake

经典提拉米苏 Tiramisu

芒果酸奶布丁Yogurt Mango Pudding

杏仁椰子蛋糕 Almond cheese cake

布朗尼白巧  White chocolate brawnie

原味曲奇          Cookie


水果类Fresh fruit

四季新鲜水果拼盆 Fresh fruit plate

Oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, and other seasonal fruits


饮料类 Drink

矿泉水  water

橙汁  Orange Juice  

猕猴桃汁  Kiwi Juice

可口可乐 Coca Cola

热饮类 Orange Juice

法式花茶(巴黎香榭)Paris Champs

热可可Hot cocoa



2016 Coffee Break Menu VIP3

冷盘类 Cold cut plate

蛋黄鸭胸肉配海藻丝 Breast of duck egg yolk with kelp silk

迷你美式牛肉汉堡Mini American Burger

美式甜辣热狗American sweet hot dog

德式火腿蔬菜卷Ham and vegetable roll

黑胡椒风味土豆泥Black pepper potato

烟熏三文鱼法棍小点Smoked salmon

芙蓉虾佐甜辣慕斯配法棍Lotus shrimp law stick


甜品类 Dessert

意大利香浓芝士蛋糕  New York cheese cake

经典提拉米苏 Tiramisu

杏仁椰子蛋糕 Almond cheese cake

布朗尼白巧  White chocolate brawnie


芒果酸奶布丁Yogurt Mango Pudding

原味曲奇   Cookie


水果类Fresh fruit

四季新鲜水果拼盆 Fresh fruit plate

Oranges, cantaloupe, watermelon, apples, and other seasonal fruits


饮料类 Drink

橙汁  Orange Juice  

猕猴桃汁  Kiwi Juice

可口可乐 Coca Cola

牛奶 Milk

矿泉水 Water

热饮类 Orange Juice

巴黎香榭Paris Champs

热可可Hot cocoa


意大利花式咖啡Italy fancy coffee


美式咖啡 Coffer

2016 Coffee Break Menu VIP1

甜品类 Dessert(5款)

经典提拉米苏 Tiramisu

黑森林蛋糕 Black forest

意大利香浓芝士蛋糕 New York cheese cake

芒果慕斯 Mango mousse

原味曲奇 Cookie

冷盘类 Cold cut plate(4选2款)

墨西哥鸡肉卷 Chicken taco

德式火腿蔬菜Ham and vegetable roll

黑胡椒风味土豆泥Black pepper potato

蛋黄鸭胸肉配海藻丝 Breast of duck egg yolk with kelp silk

 水果类 Fresh fruit

四季新鲜水果拼盆 Fresh fruit plate

橙子、哈密瓜、西瓜、苹果、猕猴桃,提子等时令水果 Orange, Hami melon, watermelon, apple, and so on seasonal fruits

饮料类 Drink

可口可乐 Coca Cola

橙汁 Orange Juice

热饮类Hot Drink

英式红茶 Black Tea

现磨原豆咖啡 Coffer